Sunday, January 17, 2010

Somersaults and Crib Climbing

What a great Sunday we had! Ryder played great today. He is still teething and usually hates Sundays anyhow since we do a lot of sitting around, but today he was great. He took a three hours nap which I also took advantage of to nap while Derrik watched football. I did manage to get the laundry done, dishes done, and grocery shopping. Nothing to excited... just another great day with my boys.

Before I explain my next story I need to tell you that Ryder's crib has been relocated out of his room and into our laundry room. When our place was robbed two weeks ago they smashed the window in Ryder's room, and it has yet to be fixed. I won't even get into how irritated I am over this and the headahces we've been through, but just know that he is sleeping peacefully in the laundry room. The laundry room has no windows and is on our side of the condo so for right now we are more comfortable with these sleeping arragenemtn. Plus it's darker then his room and he could really care less.

Now onto the pictures... Lately Ryder has been big into his bed. He's always been easy to put down to bed and for naps. He always just lays right down and falls right to sleep, but now he's standing at his crib whining to get in. Today Derrik called for me to come out of the room to show me this....

Most babies are trying to crawl out of their cribs and ours is trying to crawl in!!! He just loves his bed! He has always loved his paci and has recently becomes really attached to his blanket. He has a matching set of a big blanket and a smaller one he can hold onto. He only gets these items when he is in bed so I think that is was is leading to this desire to be in his crib. I have come to realize that he's hitting an age where he likes to sit and relax for a little while. I have started to allow him to have his blanket and paci while he sits in our lounge chair to relax. He is not allowed off the chair with it and puts it right back in the crib when he wants down. I just think it's cute how he loves to relax with these items :)

Another thing I taught Ryder recently was how to do somersaults. I kept joking about getting Ryder in some gymboree or tumble classes just to get us around other babies and moms, but Derrik has put his foot down saying Ryder will not be involved in gymnastics classes. Needless to say Ryder has perfected his somersaults, and I think will make quite a little gymnasts! HAH! Check out the footage...

1 comment:

Meant to be a mom said...

Your little Ryder is such a doll.

I wanted to let you know that I just got your comment on my blog. I haven't quite figured out how to make my pictures safe from being downloaded but I'm working on figuring it out, and figuring out if its even possible. I will post as soon as I get something and let all you girls know.
I know it would make me feel better If it would work that way. :)