Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Busted Lip

Yesterday morning Ryder was in the bathroom like usual helping Derrik "get ready" or just into everything as I think Derrik would put it. Every morning they weigh themselves (Ryder was up to 27 pounds yesterday!). Afterwards Ryder likes to play with the scale. Now I know he shouldn't be playing with the scale... save the lecture. I like to pick my battles and right now we are working on not climbing on the kitchen chairs and onto the kitchen table. Much more important i'd like to think!!!

Needless to say something happened... Derrik didn't actually see it. We think he tripped with the scale in his hands and either hit his lip on the scale itself or the bathtub on his way to the ground. I went running in because I knew it was the "i'm really hurt" scream. Derrik had already picked him up and was trying to make him feel better. Ryder kept reaching for me, but Derrik seemed to want to console him which I know is good for Ryder too so I walked away from the situation. I heard Derrik trying to talk him into feeling better and they headed to the garage to get Derrik's basketball bag out of the car. Before I knew it they were right back inside and Derrik said he needed napkins. The poor little guy's mouth was full of blood and he was still screaming :(

The aftermath... The blood stopped pretty quick and his lips swelled up pretty good. Today we are left with just a little puffiness and a little cut on his lip. I know we have MANY more of these to come (remember what I said about climbing on the kitchen table?), but it just breaks my heart when he gets hurt!

Proud of his fat lip


Meant to be a mom said...

Oh poor baby. I feel bad for dad. I understand he wanted to help. If only it had been a time that Ryder wasn't bleeding bad and truly hurt to the point of needing both of you. I'm glad he's ok though. Those pics are so sad. He's such a cutie though, even with a fat lip :(

Aunt Gina said...

The first of many fat lips to come!