Mom, Ally, and I went to the doctor today and got great news! I am 3-4 centimeters and 70% effaced already! The doctor thinks i'm a great candidate to get induced. We are opting to go this route because our doctor is not working Thursday-Monday and after that would want to be on the road home with Derrik's season ending Monday afternoon. Plus I probably wouldn't make it until then anyhow.
Derrik will most likely head home from the away trip after Tuesday nights game, and we go into the hospital at 1:15 a.m. Wednesday morning. 1:15 a.m. as in right after midnight on Tuesday. I've had people call me back confused wondering if I meant it was in the afternoon. They will start me on Cervidel to soften my cervix(not sure on the spelling) when we get there until 8 a.m. and around 8:30 a.m. they will start the pitocin (spelling once again) which should start the contractions. The doctor said right after that they will break my water and things should really get going after that.
We are extremely excited and nervous :) We can't wait for Ryder to be here! Check back for updates.... we're big computer people so you know we'll have the laptops at the hospital!
Good Luck to the both of you. I will be thinking of you and praying that everything goes well. I can't wait to be a Great Aunt to Ryder. make me laugh with the computers at the hospital and the sad thing is that I know you will!!!!! Cannot wait to see him. Britt and I will be there to see him.
Good Luck! Hope your induction goes better/faster than mine! Ryder will be here before you know it...congrats!
I am so excited for you guys. The girls can't wait to see pictures, and are already planning when they want you to come down. Good Luck with everything, you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
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