Saturday, May 1, 2010

What's the Little Man Up To...

Ryder once again has seemed to turn another page in this growing up thing he is doing right before our very eyes. He is becoming such a big boy. As you could tell from a post of mine a few weeks ago Ryder was having a hard time communicating with Derrik and I and vice versa. It feels as though we have suddenly figured out how to conquer a few of these barriers that were making our life a little stressful. It has been amazing and we are all really enjoying ourselves these days. I feel like I need to do a little documentation of what his little personaility is like right before this move because every moves we have made he's so different then the house before.

Ryder eats, sleeps, and breathes golf. He points out every golf course we pass (which is a lot living in Arizona), has his foam golf club in hand it seems at all times, loves to putt around the house with his dad, and is really swinging like a champ these days!
When Ryder wants something he loves to just scream or whine until he gets it. Now that we are learning our words we have made him start to say please before we will give it to him. It is sooo cute to hear him say "tease" in a really whiney voice so we'll give him what he wants. We are working on him saying thank you, but he just can't get anything out yet for that. Ohh the boo-boos.... When Ryder really scraped up his knee a month or so ago it clicked in his head what a boo-boo was. Since then everyone has boo-boos all the time. Every time he hurts himself we have to kiss it no matter how minor the accident was, and he makes up fake boo-boos on us to kiss. My favorite though is when he'll point out a wonderful pimple on my face, say boo-boo, and then kiss it. Thanks for pointing them out bud :)

Ryder loves to go bye-bye. As soon as he starts to see me get his water together, make snacks, or put shoes on he asks if we are going bye-bye. He always rushes to try to get Chloe in her cage so we can leave immediately. I am trying so hard to get him to understand that going bye-bye doesn't always happen right at the instant and that we have to do things first.
Just recently Ryder has started telling us when he goes poo-poo. Although poo-poo means he either passed gas, peed, or pooped, we are just glad that he is now telling us. Since we are seeing this sign we are entertaining the idea of starting to potty train when we are settled with a team. We are also entertaining the idea of just waiting until September when the baseball season is over. We will keep you updated :)
The talk of baseball has really picked up around the house with Derrik getting so close to being on a team. I have been trying to tell Ryder that his Daddy plays baseball, and we get to go watch him play. Ryder now says baseball while pretending to swing an imaginary bat. I'm pretty sure he gets this from watching Derrik always doing that around the house. During Derrik's second game today we got to sit pretty close to the fence, and Ryder got to really see that his Daddy was out there on the mound. He was soooo excited and kept pointing and saying "da". My favorite though was every time the umpire would call a strike Ryder would say his version on the word while throwing his hands in the air. I think Ryder was more excited about the strikes then his Daddy!
My favorite thing Ryder is doing right now is saying "oh man" or "oh no". He says it all the time, and I swear creates scenarios that work just so he can say those words.
Ryder also loves to talk with Chloe. He tells her "good girl" when she goes potty, to "stay" when he opens the door, and to "get" when she is jumping on him. I think Chloe and Da have a tight race as to who is Ryder's best bud.

Ryder's favorite toys right now, when he opts to put the baseballs, golf balls, and golf club down, are cars. He loves big cars he can push around the house with both hands and small cars he can ride along the walks, counters, and furniture. I love watching his mind run wild while he plays with these toys and babbles to himself.
He also now loves clothes with things he likes on them. He lights up when I show him he's wearing his Mickey pj's, his fish pj's, or a shirt with a ball on it. He will proudly announce to you throughout the day who is on his shirt. I don't think Ryder's Me-Maw knows how happy she made her grandson when she gave him hand-me-down Mater (from the Cars movie) pjs. Those are by far his favorite and get worn at least a few times a week.
Speaking of Mater, Ryder absolutely loves to watch Mater's Tall Tale's on the Disney website. Mater is the cutest caracter from the Car's movie and they have these short clips called Mater's Tall Tale's on the Disney website. He will watch them over and over again on the laptop and just crack up every single time.
Ryder's kiss has evolved to the sweetest kiss in the world. He has blown kisses for a long time now, he then gave kisses but it was more of just putting his lips to yours and that was it, he started to pucker up not to long ago and literally give a real kiss, now he even makes the noise when you pretend to kiss him from across the room. You can call him at anytime and tell him you love him and he then puckers up and makes the kiss sound. Love it!
He's also a little bit of a cuddler right now. When he just gets fustrated and cranky we will go grab his paci and blankey and curl up on the couch. He sits with me from anywhere between 5-30 minutes then just suddenly decides he's done. He leaves the paci and blankey behind with me and always just takes off playing again. It's a great way for him to calm down and i'm loving it!!!
I am sure I am missing so many things, but I had to at least document a few of our favorite things Ryder is doing these days. He is such a cutie and we couldn't be move in love :)

1 comment:

Meant to be a mom said...

I love the green soap on his head. So cute.
He sounds like he's really growing up. What a fun personality. I bet you guys are laughing constantly. I love that he carries his golf club around. I think my husband will be teaching our son to do the same. Its so fun to see them learn new things. It sounds like Ryder is doing that every single day :)