Sunday, October 25, 2009

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Ok I know i've been on Ryder over load the past couple of days, but he is just SO goofy lately! He constantly has us running for the camera. Not to mention we don't even tell him to smile anymore and still get this terribly awful smile! Ok... I think it's cute, but it doesn't make for great photos to share with family! Today he was watching some football with dad while eating his PB&J like usual... and made a mess!

Want a Kiss?!?!


Anonymous said...

Danielle I'm going to try to comment on your blog. Hope this gets thru. YOU MAKE OUR DAY we can't wait to get a hold of him at Christmas I CAN"T WAIT. I love his new smile
Love Gram B

Lindsay Henry said...

Those are the best kind of kisses!!! You KNOW I would take one!! :)