Friday, September 18, 2009

He's Standing!

I am such an excited Momma! I had really given up trying to even help Ryder with any of this standing/walking stuff because he just threw a fit when I would try to help him. He is very independent at times... funny how I say that yet he is SO clingy to me these days! Lets just say he is independent when it comes to helping him do stuff. Tonight we were at Peter Piper Pizza (like Chucky Cheese) and Ryder was so amazed by all of the stuff going on... voila... he stands! Quite a few times... one time he stood long enough that I squated down to talk to him... he took one woobly step towards me... stopped... and then took another and grabbed onto me! UGH SOOO PROUD! I looked like an idiot in the middle of all these crazy kids in an arcade on a Friday night trying to video tape my little man, but I didn't care! This is the only video we got because of all the little rugrats running around the place, but i'm sure there will be much more to come.

This has been such a big week of firsts!!! I know most of them involve poop, but still they are all important to me. Another first we did tonight was no bottle to put himself to sleep. I gave Ryder his bottle while we were reading his book instead. We finished the book, he drank for a few more seconds, told me "dun", gave Daddy a kiss, and went to bed. Not a peep! Not any sort of fight... it can't be this easy! I plan on getting rid of the bottle before nap time tomorrow because the past two days he has immediately stood up and thrown it out of the crib the second I walk away. I don't go back in and he falls asleep within a few minutes. I'll save him the time of having to get up and throw it out of the crib haha!

Ryder is also constantly telling us "oh!"... it stand for "uh oh!" and is so darn cute when he does it. He makes the cutest little circle, rounded lips and has this look in his eyes like "what did ya think of that?". He does it mainly when he drops and throws stuff or knocks over a tower of blocks. We got lots of oh's at bathtime. Every time he throws a toy out of the tub (new rule: when they are out... they stay out!) he says "oh!" and he loves to stand up and fall down against the wall and say "oh!". It is absolutely adorable! I have very cute video of it and an extremely hilarious video of him dancing in the tub last night, but I have issues with putting the little weiner on the internet the older he gets. I did it a little before, but just feel it is kind of wrong. If you are family and would like to enjoy these videos just shoot me your e-mail and i'll gladly send them!

I think I could ramble on about this little man forever tonight... he really won me over with that standing stuff tonight! BUT... i'm done for now :)

These super cool big boy jammies are from Ryder's buddy Dakota who also recently just started standing! We miss you Dakota... thanks for the cool jammies though :)

1 comment:

The Smith's said...

the Pj's look so cute! Wish they could be doing all these things together!